Every project is unique – the circumstances, the challenges, the people involved. Not only understanding this, but making it tangible is central to creating momentum for a change.
Business Theater
We bring corporate theater to the stage. But don’t be afraid of corporate theater à la Future Now! We keep the hurdles low, the tempo high and almost always do the acting ourselves. You look at your situations from the outside, develop a common understanding and find practicable options for action.
Liberating Structures
You have the ability to find solutions that suit you. With Liberating Structures we strengthen this ability and lead you to a new joy of decision-making and capacity for action. Inclusion, commitment and creativity are encouraged, and leadership is lived as a collaborative process.
Applied Improvisation
Applied Improvisation promotes concentration, creativity and a sense of collaboration. The dialogic principle of “short turn taking” encourages everyone to contribute. In the exercises of Applied Improvisation, teams grow beyond themselves, develop more trusting relationships, and learn rules and techniques for creative and enthusiastic collaboration.
To make information stick, you need a narrative that catches. We are Storytelling experts. We are always looking for the story in a project. A clear intention brought into a coherent dramaturgy: that brings success. And we consciously use stories to make messages tangible. That creates reference and energy.