999 out of 1000 scientists are convinced that humans bear the main responsibility for climate change. That’s actually all of them.

490 of 1000 Americans believe that too.
That’s less than half.
Less than half is little.
Bold thesis: Something went wrong in science communication.
- complex topics would be understandable for a broader audience?
- the fear of errors and did not lead to an excessive obsession with detail?
- the scientists’ passion for their subject would actually be tangible?
- charm und humor could play a role?
- the manner of the presentation would be fully customized to the audience?
- facts would be told as a story?
This is what we explore in the Scientific Storytelling Journey. We focus on the presentation to an audience (at a conference, to investors, to the neighbor). The PhD students and scientists learn how to talk about their work in such a way that they reach the target audience directly.
The participants work on their presentation skills using tools from the acting field:
- How do I create presence
- How can I use gestures and posture to make an impact?
- How do I use breath and voice to support my performance?
- How do I establish an engaging eye contact?
The other main focus is on storytelling:
- What narrative structure helps turn a set of facts into a compelling story?
- How do I find supporting images and metaphors?
- How can I get more emotional and remain serious at the same time?
The work is extremely practice-oriented. Keen observation and supportive mutual feedback contribute to anchoring what has been learned, as does trying out new behavioral patterns just outside your own comfort zone.
By taking the storytelling journey over several stages, including 1:1 coaching, we ensure the transfer to everyday life.
Thanks to his knowledge and experience from 15 years of acting and 10 years as a lecturer/trainer, as well as his skills as an iPEC Core Energy Coach, Marco Zbinden guarantees that all participants leave the course with concrete, implementable takeaways.